Good Morning. This will be just a short update letting all of our friends and relatives know what is happening in our little corner of the world.

First of all, Deb and I are well. We are hunkering down like most of you are due to the coronavirus. We are house sitting for some friends of ours for the next few weeks, after which we will be going to our cabin for the summer. Our hope is that come October 1st, things will be back to some sense of normalcy. If that happens, we have every intention of traveling back to Costa Rica for a 7 month stay. With the uncertainty that surrounds all of us, we can only hope and pray that this virus runs it’s course in the next month or two. We have been watching a lot of Netflix. A LOT.

Our kids and their families are doing well also. We are not seeing them during this time, trying to protect ourselves and them. That is really the hard part for us, not getting together with them. But, for now, it is the best thing to do, and the most loving thing also.

Deb’s mom finished her chemo/radiation treatment and returned to her apartment. We had all thought she would do well on her own based on how she had come through her treatments. Without going into great detail, she is in need of much more help than we had hoped for. Deb and her siblings are closely monitoring her status and are making decisions as best they can.

That is all for today. Please stay healthy and safe. Things aren’t as bleak as they may seem. This too shall pass. Love and miss you all.

Pura Vida.

Deb & Tim.